Inspectors of the European Union visit PirosLife Program actions to consolidate the bears in the central Pyrenees

2016-03-23T19:00:49+02:0023 March 2016|

They have visit livestock farms of the territory, tourism businesses and local councils of Pallars Sobirà and Vall d'Aran. The PirosLife Project aims to improve the conservation status of an emblematic species creating a climate of knowledge, participation and coexistence. Inspectors of the European Union (EU) have been from Wednesday to Friday in Catalonia to [...]

Meeting with representatives of Pallars to share activities of Piroslife Project

2018-07-09T17:36:47+02:002 March 2016|

The Government and local authorities set up a permanent committee that will follow up information actions about the consolidation project of brown bear in the Pyrenees. The General Manager of Environmental Policies, Ferran Miralles, and his team met today at the headquarters of the Natural Park of the High Pyrenees in Llavorsí with representatives of [...]

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