A1. Establishing demographic and genetics structure at the moment of departure.
A2. Diagnosis and design a network of ecological connectivity international border for the brown bear.
C1. Translocation of a male to improve the genetics of the population of bears of the Pyrenees: managing the genetic structure of the population.
C2. New integral actions to prevent brown bear attacks on livestock and beekeeping: towards zero risk.
C3. Habitat improvement in the areas of connectivity: hay meadows and fruits.
C4. Ordination of public use common areas bear watching: avoiding the risk of brown bear-human contact.
C5. Creating and operating a technical group of international coordination and a scientific committee at state level.
C6. Establishment of a 10-year action plan to consolidating the bear population in a favourable environment.
D1. Evaluate the results of the introduction of a male brown bear and development of a model demographic, genetic and viability of the population.
D2. Analysis of damage to livestock and beekeeping during the project: can we approach the zero risk?
D3. Evaluation the use of connectivity spaces offered and enhanced for the brown bear.
D4. Evaluation of actions for ordination the public use in areas with frequent observation and avoidance of human contact with the brown bear.
D5. Evaluation the impact of the project on ecosystem functions.
D6. Monitor the social and economic impact of the different project actions.
E1. Holding workshops with farmers to select joint proposals for future management: commitment document.
E2. Holding workshops in cooperation with hunters and publication of a manual of good practices.
E3. Perform scientific-technical conferences “The return of large carnivores in mountain areas”.
E4. Editing and publishing a manual of good practices on recovery projects of large carnivores.
E5. Sign the areas of brown bear stable presence in strategic points of the roads entry in the zones of ossuary Natural Parks.
E6. Develop information materials on the project for visitors in areas with presence of brown bear (in different languages).
E7. Development of a volunteer network for the conservation of the brown bear in the Natural Park of the High Pyrenees: monitoring, dissemination, livestock and management.
E8. Realizing conferences and talks to habitants and visitors of Isil, Lladorre and Bossost.
E9. Elaborate and maintenance of the project website.
E10. Include the brown bear and cohabitation in the training of travel agents and local guides of the Natural Park of the High Pyrenees and surrounding areas.
E11. Formation shepherds and farmers about the coexistence with the brown bear (school of shepherds, farmers associations and agricultural schools).
E12. Raising Awareness and training of adults through their children in relation to the integration of the brown bear in the life of the mountain in the Natural Park of the High Pyrenees and surrounding areas.
E13. Dissemination of the project and improve the perception of the brown bear through social networks.
E14. Produce an annual report on the results of the International Coordination Group for monitoring and transfer of results.
E15. Produce LIFE informative panels.
E16. Write the report “Layman”.
E17. Publish two special issues of the magazine “Quercus” explaining the progress and results of the project.
F1. Initial and ongoing technical training of personnel assigned to the project.
F2. Support for project management.
F3. Audit Project.
F4. Networking with other programs LIFE.
Other actions
As part of public awareness activities and dissemination of results will elaborate informative panels, technical and informative publications.
Also it will be carried out awareness campaigns and technical seminars for information transfer. It will be available to all user publications and informational materials in digital format done in the project.
Examples of these actions include:
- Workshops with farmers and hunters.
- Scientific-Technical conferences.
- Manual of good practices.
- Signs of areas with presence of the brown bear.
- Information materials for visitors to areas with bears.
- Talks and conferences.
- Information panels of the project.
- Informative and scientific articles.